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For several years, CLEAT has enjoyed an exclusive partnership with Calibre Press. Nationally recognized for their Street Survival Seminar, Calibre Press has expanded over the years to offer outstanding reality-based training covering a wide range of topics.

Calibre Press aims to make first responders and the communities they serve safer, smarter, and more successful. CLEAT partners with Calibre Press to offer custom classes for officers throughout the state at no charge.

CLEAT also offers free or discounted pricing to our members for other Calibre Press classes in Texas.  Discounts are only available when registering for a class through CLEAT.

For a listing of Calibre Press classes being held in Texas.  Visit the CLEAT Training Calendar.

If you have any other questions, e-mail CLEAT Training Coordinator Jeff Lake at

Training Calendar

Members: To view upcoming in-person training classes, click the button below.

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