Oppose SB 944: Bill Set to Disclose Police Personnel Files and IA Records
A last-minute sneak attack amendment to SB 944 seeks to open up police personnel files and IA records. The amendment would allow the public access to “alleged misconduct” even when the allegations are not substantiated.
It would also cause information to be released before investigations are completed. The amendment is pushed by anti-police groups who want access to the information so they can post it on social media and trash officers who are involved in high profile incidents.
This is a slippery slope that CLEAT is opposed to. The bill is now in a conference committee consisting of members from both the House and Senate.
Members need to contact legislators and let them know they are opposed to the Moody amendment on SB 944.
Senate members on the conference committee are Watson, Campbell, Hancock, Nichols, and Paxton; House members on the conference committee are Capriglione, King of Parker, Lang, Moody, and Morrison.
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